
1735 N Brown Road, Suite 300
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Further Reading

Creating Your Debt Elimination Plan


You’re ready, you’re motivated and you’re eager to put your debt behind you. Great…but where do you start? Writing out a plan to eliminate debt focuses your intention, gives you benchmarks to achieve and keeps you accountable. Begin by listing your balances and interest rates. On a separate sheet, write down your monthly take-home pay and itemize all your essential bills like rent or mortgage, utilities, car payment, groceries, etc. Stop unnecessary spending, and cease the use of all your credit cards. Contact your credit card companies and request an interest rate reduction.

Once you have a snapshot of your income vs. expenses, then you will have a clearer picture of how much you can put toward your outstanding debt each month. Write down any ways you could increase your income and cut down on expenses. Start applying the extra money to the credit card with the highest interest rate, to get it paid off the soonest. When you do the math, you’ll see that making an extra payment every month or paying more than the minimum balance can make a big difference in the long run. Get more information about planning strategies below.